Free Email: To Prospective Sellers


Free Email: To Prospective Sellers

Here's a free email template you can use for prospective sellers in your neighborhood. Feel free to copy and paste, then personalize and send!

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4 min. read
Free Email: Thanks for the Testimonial
3 min. read

Free Email: Thanks for the Testimonial

After you’ve received a testimonial from a client, send this email to ask them to post it to Facebook.

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Free Email: Pre-Market Prior to Listing Presentation
4 min. read

Free Email: Pre-Market Prior to Listing Presentation

Send this email to show your sphere of influence that you are active in the market while building interest in this potential listing.

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Free Email Series: Quarter One Check-In
3 min. read

Free Email: Home Value Report

Here's a free email template you can use to follow up with your farm in quarter one. Let your farm know that you are the expert in home values in the area.

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Free Email: Pre-Listing Alert
3 min. read

Free Email: Pre-Listing Alert

Use this free email to give your farm a heads-up when you are about to list a home in the neighborhood.

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Sphere of Influence Hero Image
3 min. read

Free Email: Sphere of Influence

Here's a free email template you can use for your sphere of influence. Feel free to copy and paste, then personalize and send!

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